
嘉东/2020-08-20/ 分类:英国专业库/阅读:
    TIMES英国大学排名是《泰晤士报》(The Times)自1992起发布英国大学排名,是英国最权威影响力最大的排名之一,对学生择校有重要的参考意义。每年的9月或10月份,英国《TIMES》会公布新一年的全球大学综合排名和专业排名。该排名的指标包括:学生满意度(15%)、科研质量(15%)、入学标准(10%)、生师比(10%)、生均经费(10%)、设施和设备(10%)、优秀学位获得率(10%)、毕业生前景(10%)和毕业率(10%)九项指标。
Ranking University Name Teaching quality Student experience Research rating Entry points Graduate prospects Total score
1 剑桥大学University of Cambridge n/a n/a 60.7% 232 88.9% 100
2 牛津大学University of Oxford n/a n/a 67.5% 222 90.6% 99.2
3 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews 85.2% 86.5% 44.2% 235 88.5% 98.3
4 华威大学The University of Warwick 77.7% 76.6% 55.8% 207 83.6% 94.2
5 杜伦大学Durham University 78.9% 77.6% 44.0% 215 86.4% 94.1
5 帝国理工学院Imperial College London 75.2% 78.5% 59.7% 198 84.5% 94.1
7 伦敦大学学院University College London 79.2% 77.7% 42.0% 191 90.2% 93.5
8 兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University 82.4% 81.0% 45.8% 165 88.2% 93.3
9 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 86.5% 85.3% 34.1% 176 83.9% 92.8
10 思克莱德大学University of Strathclyde 83.2% 82.3% 34.6% 197 82.5% 92.5
11 赫瑞瓦特大学Heriot Watt University 82.3% 80.9% 42.3% 180 83.0% 92.4
12 拉夫堡大学Loughborough University 87.2% 88.3% 31.0% 162 84.0% 92.2
13 布里斯托大学University of Bristol 78.5% 75.9% 57.3% 192 76.0% 91.9
14 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh 73.9% 77.1% 43.7% 203 84.0% 91.7
15 诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham 79.2% 78.5% 44.8% 175 81.1% 91
15 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester 79.2% 79.5% 44.3% 183 79.1% 91
17 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow 78.2% 80.4% 41.4% 203 74.5% 90.5
17 巴斯大学University of Bath 76.2% 75.1% 35.7% 191 85.0% 90.5
19 南安普顿大学University of Southampton 80.6% 79.7% 41.9% 165 80.4% 90.4
20 阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen 84.2% 88.7% 32.0% 175 74.4% 90.1
21 埃克塞特大学University of Exeter 77.7% 78.9% 37.9% 174 82.2% 90
21 邓迪大学University of Dundee 81.1% 80.7% 48.2% 167 73.8% 90
23 谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield 81.4% 82.5% 34.0% 149 82.2% 89.4
24 肯特大学University of Kent 81.6% 79.2% 28.2% 136 89.1% 89.2
25 亚伯大学Aberystwyth University 93.4% 90.7% 19.4% 125 78.2% 88.9
25 英国女王大学Queen's University Belfast 76.7% 77.5% 25.0% 164 88.8% 88.9
27 伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political Science 73.9% 68.2% 28.7% 195 85.7% 88.6
27 利兹大学University of Leeds 73.7% 75.4% 42.0% 169 80.8% 88.6
29 约克大学The University of York 84.6% 82.9% 27.0% 159 76.6% 88.4
30 埃塞克斯大学University of Essex 82.8% 79.6% 34.3% 108 85.3% 88
31 南威尔士大学The University of South Wales 93.1% 90.8% 10.1% 127 79.0% 87.9
32 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University 81.4% 82.9% 32.0% 161 73.0% 87.6
33 德蒙福特大学De Montfort University 94.0% 91.9% n/a 88 90.0% 87.5
34 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University 79.0% 80.7% 31.6% 168 74.1% 87.4
35 索尔福德大学University of Salford 86.0% 87.8% 4.4% 128 87.5% 87.2
35 伦敦国王学院King's College London 75.4% 76.0% 37.1% 168 76.2% 87.2
37 萨塞克斯大学University of Sussex 72.9% 72.9% 28.5% 147 89.0% 87.1
38 雷丁大学University of Reading 82.7% 77.6% 35.3% 132 76.5% 87
39 诺丁汉特伦特大学Nottingham Trent University 86.6% 87.6% 18.4% 124 77.7% 86.7
40 萨里大学University of Surrey 76.4% 75.5% 31.5% 161 74.4% 85.9
40 利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学Liverpool John Moores University 87.5% 86.5% 3.2% 131 80.7% 85.9
40 中央兰开夏大学University of Central Lancashire 90.0% 88.6% 19.8% 117 71.4% 85.9
43 斯特林大学University of Stirling 82.8% 80.3% 14.0% 156 76.6% 85.8
44 利物浦大学The University of Liverpool 79.7% 80.3% 29.8% 145 72.9% 85.7
45 斯旺西大学Swansea University 76.9% 75.6% 20.7% 131 84.0% 85.2
45 基尔大学Keele University 85.1% 84.4% 19.5% 120 74.8% 85.2
47 谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学Sheffield Hallam University 86.2% 87.6% 17.8% 112 74.4% 85.1
48 朴茨茅斯大学University of Portsmouth 84.3% 80.2% 11.2% 108 84.2% 85
49 伦敦都市大学London Metropolitan University 92.4% 93.2% 13.5% 75* 73.7% 84.4
50 赫尔大学The University of Hull 77.4% 69.6% 24.2% 128 79.9% 84
50 东英吉利大学University of East Anglia 71.8% 76.2% 33.7% 149 72.3% 84
52 西英格兰大学University of the West of England 91.7% 89.9% 10.6% 114 65.8% 83.7
53 利物浦大学The University of Liverpool 75.4% 79.4% 8.8% 112 88.0% 83.6
54 切斯特大学University of Chester 83.7% 83.0% 7.1% 110 78.8% 83.5
55 考文垂大学Coventry University 76.6% 74.6% 9.4% 117 86.7% 83.4
56 德比大学University of Derby 88.4% 87.7% 5.0% 100 74.5% 83.3
57 格林威治大学The University of Greenwich 88.5% 86.6% 5.1% 112 71.9% 83.2
58 奇切斯特大学University of Chichester 72.5%* 77.5%* n/a 104 96.3% 83.1
59 诺桑比亚大学Northumbria University 77.6% 76.5% 16.7% 133 74.3% 82.8
59 米德塞斯大学Middlesex University 81.6% 82.9% 14.2% 107 n/a 82.8
61 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院Royal Holloway University of London 74.3% 71.1% 35.5% 134 68.4% 82.5
62 伦敦城市大学City University London 82.7% 82.6% 30.2% 130 57.7% 82.3
63 布鲁内尔大学Brunel University 77.3% 76.4% 25.8% 116 71.2% 82.2
64 莱斯特大学University of Leicester 68.3% 73.0% 25.0% 129 77.7% 81.8
65 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Queen Mary University of London 70.1% 69.0% 30.3% 141 69.7% 81.2
66 伍尔弗汉普顿大学University of Wolverhampton 83.0% 82.7% n/a 93 77.6% 81.1
67 赫特福德大学University of Hertfordshire 74.0% 73.8% 20.2% 98 76.8% 80.8
68 牛津布鲁克斯大学Oxford Brookes University 85.0% 69.7% 13.9% 135 62.3% 80.5
69 阿斯顿大学Aston University 70.3% 71.5% 21.7% 124 72.9% 80.3
70 曼彻斯特城市大学Manchester Metropolitan University 87.8% 83.6% 5.6% 115 59.8% 80
71 普利茅斯大学University of Plymouth 84.5% 80.3% 9.3% 132 55.8% 79.3
72 布莱顿大学University of Brighton 82.4% 77.7% 6.4% 111 63.1% 78.7
73 金斯顿大学Kingston University 81.0% 83.1% n/a 84 58.0% 75.6

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